A family is belonging to and believing in each other.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday

We hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. We had a great day! We are so thankful for so many blessings that we have in our lives. We even had family pictures on Thanksgiving and they went very well. We had Thanksgiving at my Grandma Johnson's and is was a lot of fun! The food was delicious! We also had fun looking at the ad's for black Friday. We had decided to shop online this year for black Friday. I waited until midnight and was able to get a door buster item online at midnight. I am not going to tell what the item is, but to get the same deal online as I would of at 4:00 am at the store is GREAT! I woke up at 6:00 am and checked the internet for some deals and I didn't really find anything that caught my eye. We decided that we really didn't need anything this year and the one item that we bought at midnight was the most important thing and we already purchased it. When I woke up at 9:00, Nolan said let's go to Salt Lake and shop. The night before we had gone through the ads and looked to see what items we needed for Christmas. They were all door busters and we decided not to head in this year. On the way into Salt Lake we looked through the ads again to see where the door buster items were located. Low and behold we were able to get every door buster that we had planned to get. We got all the same deals and we had the luxury of sleeping in. We shopped all day and when I say we I mean, Nolan, Baylin, and Peyton. Yes, we took our kids on the biggest shopping day of the year. They were so good!!! We went from store to store to store and they were awesome!!! We had such a good black Friday shopping day. I am going to say that we didn't need any BIG electronics or furniture this year so shopping online and waiting until 9:00 am to shop in the stores worked for us! We hope that everyone has had a great holiday. We sure did!


Scott & Christie Lamb said...

Holy cow girl it's been way too long! How are you! I'm glad that your black Friday was a success! We didn't do it this year because we wanted to go skiing instead! Ha ha hope all is well! I found you on Ashely's blog by the way!

Lacey Sue said...

So sorry :)! When I changed my profile settings I lost some of my blogs I follow...and yours was one! I am glad you reminded me to add you again, I had forgotten to :)! You are such a cutie! How are things going?!