A family is belonging to and believing in each other.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A White, White Christmas in Kanab

We went to Kanab to spend Christmas with Nolan's family. It was a lot of fun! We were very surprised when to got there to see so much snow on the ground. There was way more snow in Kanab than there was when we left home. It snowed and snowed and snowed until Friday. It was great to have a really white Christmas! We had lots of fun spending time with family, Nolan did 3 puzzles, we polished our Wii skills, Elaine (Nolan's Mom) made lots of yummy food, we ate lots of yummy food, we played games, and we also managed to have family pictures on Saturday morning. Santa found us in Kanab and the kids were spoiled once again. Baylin was so cute this year because she understood the whole concept of Santa. She put out cookies and milk and she wrote Santa a note. She had a ball! Our Christmas was fantastic! Thanks to all our family for making it so wonderful!
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