A family is belonging to and believing in each other.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I Got Tagged...

Here's The Rules...
A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each Player answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people by posting their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.

What were you doing ten years ago?
I was 14, Freshman at Grantsville High School. I was interested in tennis and being with my friends. I am sure I was interested in boys too, but no one really sticks out in my mind that year.

Snacks I enjoy:
I like 94% fat-free popcorn, crystal light, and sun dried tomato and basil wheat thins

Five things on my to-do list today(or tomorrow, it is almost 10:30 p.m. and its bedtime):
1. Get Baylin to school and Peyton to Kristina's
2. Teach School
3. Tidy up my classroom for parent/teacher conferences
4. Parent/Teacher Conferences
5. Spend a little time with Nolan and my kids before bed

Things if I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay off tour house, regular manicures, pedicures, and massages! I would go shopping so I can decorate my house more, buy new clothes, get a fence, finish our basement, buy new living room furniture, add on to our house,save money for our kids, pay off debt, travel to wherever I wanted to go, buy a condo (for vacation), pay my tithing and donate to charity.

Three of my bad habits:
1. Hitting the snooze button way too much
2. Being a little controlling-I am working on it!
3. I am way too uptight. I really need to work on it

Jobs I have Had...
Hardware Store Clerk
Telemarketing (who hasn't)
Dry Cleaner's
Lin's-Cedar City, Clerk
Mattress store in Cedar City, It only lasted 8 days and then I moved (does that count?)
4th Grade Teacher

Things people don't know about me:
1. I like to sing, especially in the car. I sing tons at home with my kids and Nolan. My voice is terrible though.
2. I really want to take dance lessons like, swing or ballroom. I would love to dance how they do on Dancing with the Stars, Nolan refuses to take any sort of dance lesson with me!
3. I would love to be a Chef. I would love to take cooking classes! I would cook and cook if someone would clean-up after me. That is the worst part of cooking!

I Tag...


The Morrells said...

Hey Megan (and Nolan), I ran into your blog from someone else's page and thought I'd say hi. These blogs are so neat to catch up with everyone and keep in touch. Your family is darling! That is awesome that you both got your teaching degrees! Hope all is well!

Ashley and Brett said...

No wonder why we are friends! You have so many similar things to my tag. When we become billionaires we can go shopping together and get our manicures and pedicures... and sing terrible all the way there! We make a good match cause we both know how our husbands love to shop! haha...

As far as changing your background, are you using pyzam? I know it will delete links... but I've never actually used a pyzam backdrop cause I didn't want it to be deleted... I would ask Angela. She puts cute ones on there... and I know some of them were from there. Good luck! If not, I hear your suppose to save all your links so you can type them in again!